Behavioral EQ® Program Overview


Behavioral EQ® is the ability to recognize the impact that emotions have on our own behavior and the behavior of others. Using this understanding creates stronger and more productive relationships. When it comes to workplace success, Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be just as important as IQ, education and work experience. TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ® training provides the Emotional Intelligence skills needed for today’s team and organizational leaders.

Behavioral EQ is a Positive Change

The world we live in is constantly changing. Organizations and their workers are getting left behind when they aren’t adapting to change fast enough. Jobs are becoming more specialized. Technology is changing how we have to work. TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ® training program can help you adapt to the change in the world and the change within your organization.

Build a Relationship with Your Workplace

With all this change, relationships still form the foundation of success — don’t lose those. Relationships with customers, colleagues, team members or bosses shape our performance. People with high EQ simply perform better. People with high EQ are more collaborative and less conflictive. They are also better at giving and reveling feedback. And most importantly, they are able to work productively in teams making a more successful organization.

Watch Penn State Health’s Amanda Hulse speak about how TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ® training program has a significant positive professional and personal impact within organizations here.

Why Learn with TRACOM?

At TRACOM, we believe that improving peoples’ understanding of themselves and others makes the world a better place. We synthesize our discoveries into actionable learning and resources that improve an individual’s performance in all parts of their lives. We call this Social Intelligence. Through research and experience we uncover the hidden barriers to individuals achieving their maximum potential and identify how to help overcome them. All of our training programs, Behavioral EQ®, SOCIAL STYLE®, Resilience, and Personal Agility, allow for more productive individuals and organizations.