Promoting Wellness & Mental Health in the Workplace with Social Intelligence

Go beyond wellness to achieve well-being for your entire organization

Go beyond wellness, support workforce wellbeing

TRACOM’s Social Intelligence workplace wellness solutions address more than skills needed for high performance, leadership excellence and sales improvement — Emotional Intelligence, mixed with Resilience, Versatility and the ability to contribute to innovation — are essential components in supporting your workforce to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Our programs “play nice with others” and can be combined or included in curriculum and initiatives to boost wellness in your organization.

Employee wellness is evolving as organizations seek to provide more holistic support to employees in a world of change and stress. Today most organizations – and almost all large employers – offer a “workforce wellness program” of some sort. However, research shows that most employees don’t even sign up, with participation estimates ranging from only 20 to 40 percent.

One of the primary reasons for such low usage, and lack of success, is that most programs focus solely on physiological wellbeing aspects such as smoking cessation, weight management, etc. While physical well-being is certainly important, a more holistic approach to promoting wellness and mental health in the workplace is starting to be researched and understood, incorporating elements such as employee purpose (like what you do each day), social well-being (having supportive relationships), and physiological resiliency. These newer models account for the stressors within the workplace that are affecting people’s overall well-being, as well as the psychological and behavioral factors that impact people’s ability to maintain their own health. TRACOM’s workforce wellness solutions have a proven impact on supporting mental health in the workplace.

According to research from Gallup, enhancing wellness programs to include elements other than just physical wellness yields important benefits. In a comparison between adults involved in physical wellness programs versus those involved in wellbeing (physical and emotional) programs, studies found those in holistic workplace wellbeing programs do better:

  • Report 41% fewer unhealthy days
  • Are more than twice as likely to say they always adapt well to change
  • Are 36% more likely to say they always fully bounce back after an illness

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Resources to Elevate Workplace Wellness and Support Mental Health