Download these digital materials to begin facilitating the program
Spend a few minutes watching the video to learn more about the Facilitator materials available to teach the Developing a Resilient Mindset program. From the webpage, you can register for free certification, download all needed facilitation materials, and review the participant materials.
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If you have not yet been certified to deliver a Resilience program, please register for one of our Resilience Virtual Certification Sessions by clicking on the link below.
The Facilitator Guide provides a quick and easy way to learn how to deliver a virtual or in-person version of this program like an expert.
The PowerPoint deck provides all the slides, facilitation tips, and session timing that you need to deliver this program.
Click here to download the program handouts that you will need to facilitate several exercises that are used to teach the program content.
Use these flashcards to help learners understand their Automatic Thought Patterns
Use the link below to download a sample of the Resilience Multi-Rater Profile that your learners will receive as part of this program.
The participant workbook can be accessed online by your learners, and it provides everything they need for completing all the program exercises.
Resiliency Road Map and Strategies for Building Resilience are two participant job aids to help people apply the program to real-world workplace scenarios.
Adaptive Mindset for Resiliency® and the Resilient Mindset Model™ are the property of The TRACOM Group. These materials may not be shared outside of the scope of your license agreement with TRACOM. To learn more about TRACOM and its intellectual property visit