Resilience in the Workplace

Although stress is nothing new, due to the continuously increasing pace of change in today’s workplace, a high level of personal stress has become the norm. Stress and adversity are not going to disappear, but helps us prevail and differentiates us is how we respond to change and the stressors in our lives . This is the difference between those who have high resiliency and those who do not.’s Leadership Excellence Essentials has published an article written by Dr. Casey Mulqueen, Director of Research and Development at The TRACOM Group.

In this article, which was featured in the March edition of the Leadership Excellence Essentials Magazine, Dr. Mulqueen explains the benefits of having a resilient mindset while also explaining the negativity-bias, one of our natural tendencies that suppresses our ability to remain resilient. He unveils why, from an evolutionary standpoint, we have such a cognitive hindrance known as the negativity bias, but more importantly, how we can use methods that enhance our resiliency to overcome it.

But why is enhancing our resiliency so important to being a successful employer or employee? According to Mulqueen, “there is mounting evidence linking resilience to a host of critical workplace outcomes. Resilient people are more likely to perform better, remain committed to their organizations, attain work-life balance, and effectively manage change with less psychological distress. What’s more, various scholars and business leaders insist that resilience is a key distinguishing feature between those who make a difference with their ideas and those who don’t, those who succeed and those who fail.”

There are various activities which have proven exceptionally successful at building cortex activity and improving the connections made through the prefrontal cortex and the emotional centers of the brain. Some examples of these exercises include goal-setting which helps us persist through challenges and recognizing and identifying negative thought patterns which can generate more positive emotional responses to difficulties.

To learn more about resiliency and the various ways we can enhance it read the Resilience at Workplace article here.