Whitepaper: The Agile Organization

Four Ways Agility Improves Performance


At TRACOM, we define agility as “the capacity to recognize, create and exploit opportunities in a changing environment.” Companies who invest in agility training are at significant advantages compared to their competitors. This has been concluded in a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which found that agile firms grow revenue 37% faster than non-agile companies, and firms skilled in agility generate 30% higher profits than less-agile competitors. There are four ways agility improves performance to create an agile organization – creating positive change, effective project management, insightful selling, and strategic leadership.

Creating Positive Change

To create positive change, the first step is to find out what hinders change. The top biases that impact change are mindsets, attitudes, and corporate culture. We don’t know these biases exist so we can’t overcome them without new ways of thinking. We must have the ability to innovate to avoid having lasting negative impacts on business organizations. Specifically, employees who are unable to enact positive change are more likely to be unfulfilled, disengaged, and unproductive. Read a blog on more ways to create positive change here.

Effective Project Management

To be successful, project managers must master the art of balance. They have to stay on task according to timelines and they must identify challenges before they arise. Being a project manager can be stressful because with timelines things might not always go as planned, and if challenges do arise they must make necessary changes. Project management isn’t for everyone due to these stressors and if people don’t know how to modify their natural negative mindset.

Insightful Selling

Research by TRACOM shows that highly agile people are 35% more likely to be viewed by others as entrepreneurial than those who have low agility skills. Successful salespeople develop the same skills as entrepreneurs – seeking out new businesses, maintaining strong client relationships, and making choices based on the best financial interest of their business. Salespeople trained in agility are much more likely to identify and seize opportunities before they become trends.

Strategic Leadership

TRACOM’s research has shown that agile leaders are 25% more motivated to support new initiatives. Leaders trained in agility are much more likely to identify and seize new opportunities when they arise. Having an entire leadership team compromised of agile individuals is an advantage for companies looking to become more competitive. Read more here on how SOCIAL STYLE and Resiliency help consultants’ skills stay relevant.

Unlock Your Team’s Personal Agility

TRACOM’s one-day Agility program uses the latest in neuroscience research to teach effective Personal and Organizational Agility. With a wide range of unique lessons and proven tactics for success, TRACOM’s Agility program offers the skills and strategies needed for team members in your organization to become more agile. With these skills and strategies, watch your entire organization become more competitive.