Video: EY Launches SOCIAL STYLE v3 to 10,000 Learners

Lisa Jones of EY describes the changes to SOCIAL STYLE® and how they have positively impacted their facilitators, learners and the organization itself. Jones is master certified in SOCIAL STYLE® and she facilitates training programs for EY learners around the world. EY has trained on STYLE and Versatility for years so TRACOM asked Jones about utilizing the newest update: SOCIAL STYLE® v3.


Some key things EY heard from their facilitators over the years are:

“Is there that piece around image?”

“They don’t see me.”

“We don’t interact in a virtual environment.”

According to Jones, “image” no longer mattered with SOCIAL STYLE® v3. Thus making it more meaningful for remote workgroups. Language has been modernized for today’s learners. Jones also heard facilitators compliment the survey being shorter and now it just takes minutes to complete using any device.

TRACOM’s Positive Impact

Since there is a common language in SOCIAL STYLE® v3, everyone is able to understand one another in all areas and better adjust performance. SOCIAL STYLE® v3 benefits everyone when it comes to furthering careers as well as building relationships with colleagues and clients.

“We can be consistent and deliberate when building our relationships.”

Most work relationships are rushed nowadays when they’re not established correctly. Understanding your colleagues SOCIAL STYLE® can he tremendously beneficial to any work being completed. Learning how to communicate based on your colleagues SOCIAL STYLE® allows for both peoples’ sides to be acknowledged and correctly translated into positive work.

“We can be more specific when providing feedback.”

SOCIAL STYLE® v3 is so beneficial to everyone! In terms of impact there’s a lot that has changed when it comes to impact on a personal level and an organizational level. Organizations become more consistent and deliberate in how they approach the market and clients.

Watch Other SOCIAL STYLE® v3 Videos Below

Video: Tour the SOCIAL STYLE® v3 Multi-Rater and Self-Perception Profiles

Video: SOCIAL STYLE v3 Multi-Rater