Grounded in more than 60 years of research and applied use, SOCIAL STYLE is a behavioral model and learning & development experience that helps individuals, teams and organizations communicate and collaborate with greater effectiveness. It teaches learners about behavior, human needs & stressors. It teaches how people can be Versatile communicators with others to achieve more together. Versatility is a predictor of success.
Research shows that over 90% of our thought, behavior and communication patterns are automatic; we do them with little to no active thinking. These are our subconscious thoughts, good and bad habits, biases and stress triggers & responses. These automatic patterns are responsible for how we develop relationships, communicate and react to others.
The goals of our automatic thought, behavior and communication patterns are to help us feel safe and secure. They help us meet our security needs & preferences, reduce stress and feel comfortable while expending the least amount of energy. This is our brain’s way of preserving our energy and protecting us from perceived physical and psychological threats; many can be caused by miscommunications.
As a result, we tend to be more comfortable and have better communication when others’ patterns align with our needs. Likewise, we tend to experience more discomfort, stress and communication challenges when others’ patterns don’t align with our needs. But because there are four unique behavioral patterns, we face a 75% chance that how another person naturally behaves and communicates will be in direct opposition to our own needs and preferences; so without even trying, there are a lot of opportunities for challenges and conflict when communicating and collaborating with others.
SOCIAL STYLE teaches learners about their dominant behavior and communication patterns, as well as the patterns of others. We call each dominant pattern a SOCIAL STYLE and there are four of them.

Each SOCIAL Style communicates and receives communication differently. Each has a primary Need and preferred ways of behaving. Let’s take a quick look at each SOCIAL STYLE:
- Driving Style
- Their Need is Results and they are action oriented.
- Their communication tends to be direct, to the point and less relational.
- They prefer that others get to the point, stay on task and not waste their time with too many stories, emotions or too much information.
- Expressive Style
- Their Need is Personal Approval and they want partnership with things that excite them.
- Their communication tends to be passionate, casual, relational and advocating.
- They prefer that others are collaborative, supportive and not restrict them with too many rules and processes.
- Amiable Style
- Their Need is Personal Security and they prefer people getting along.
- Their communication tends to be highly relational, supportive and cautious.
- They prefer that others are supportive, kind, consistent and thorough.
- Analytical Style
- Their Need is To Be Right and they want all the details before making a decision.
- Their communication tends to be inquisitive, cautious, fact-based and less relational.
- They prefer that others focus on the facts, manage emotions and respect their desire for data and processes.
Each Style has strengths that are needed in every team and organization. At the same time, each Style has weaknesses that may hurt team and organizational dynamics, as well as sabotage their own personal and professional success. SOCIAL STYLE training provides experiences and opportunities to learn more about ourself, so we can be better communicators. But the reason SOCIAL STYLE is powerful is because it helps us understand others in a way that leads to Versatility and more thoughtful communication, healthier relationships and better results for everyone.