Whitepaper: SOCIAL STYLE & Situational Leadership II


Every situation needs to be addressed differently and with SLII leaders recognize each situation’s importance and can provide an adequate solution. To do this, there are three steps everyone must follow to create an effective solution.  This whitepaper looks how SOCIAL STYLE and Situational Leadership models work together and their skills complement each other for maxim results.  A few highlights from the paper: 

Step One: Set Goals

Though setting goals may seem straightforward, based on a leader and follower’s SOCIAL STYLEs, early miscommunication on their goals can lead to confusion or even resentment of one another. The four types of SOCIAL STYLEs are Driving Style, Expressive Style, Amiable Style, and Analytical Style. A leader needs to be aware of his followers’ SOCIAL STYLEs so that the leader is aware and can ensure they are responsive to the followers’ goals being established. 

Step Two: Diagnose Development Level

Once a goal has been established, the leader is held accountable for making sure the follower(s) can meet that goal. The leader needs to determine the person’s ability and willingness to perform the tasks needed to obtain the set goal. In this step, leaders must also realize their own SOCIAL STYLEs to prevent bias when it comes to behaviors they value and devalue. SOCIAL STYLE training helps everyone understand themselves and others to avoid this conflict.

Step Three: Match with the Appropriate Leadership Strategy and Deliver

Once the first two steps are done, the leader must choose the appropriate leadership strategy to match the followers’ needs. Without an awareness of SOCIAL STYLEs, leaders run a risk of utilizing SLII in ways that can lead to frustration and failure. And unfortunately, most leaders don’t understand why their strategies are failing and would be more likely to blame the follower.

Situational leadership is an effective model for enhancing leaders’ effectiveness. Leaders need to have a grasp on behavioral style differences, which they can perfect in the SOCIAL STYLE Model.  Read the entire paper to fully learn how SOCIAL STYLE and Situational Leadership work together.