Video: Three Key Pillars Needed for Successful EDI Programs

Meet Jana Seijts, Lecturer of Management Communication and founder of the Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program at the Richard Ivey School of Business. We asked Jana how Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) programs can be enhanced beyond what’s being offered today. Hear what she has to say about the three key pillars that are necessary to ensure meaningful change.

“When we talk about EDI, what we’re really doing is trying to help build a community of trust within an organization.”

Seijts believes organizations need to work more on addressing workplace behaviors with tools like SOCIAL SYTLE®. She said what the SOCIAL STYLE ModelTM  lends to EDI training is a mindset shift where people learn to appreciate diversity through thought and behavior.

To improve diversity and inclusiveness, check out our Social Intelligence Diversity Training offerings and the research behind it, or read our whitepaper on how implementing Social Intelligence training can help develop an Equitable, Diverse, Inclusive and Successful workplace.

About Nicole Groenke

Nicole serves as Business Development and Marketing Coordinator for TRACOM. She is happy to share her sales and marketing experience through practical content. When she’s not cooking or practicing yoga she enjoys checking out cookbooks from the library and learning how to play tennis.

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