Whitepaper: What It Takes To Change to the New Normal


The concept of the “new normal” has become increasingly prevalent in discussions surrounding organizational and personal adaptation. Some disruptions include, but aren’t limited to COVID-19 pandemic, economic challenges, and environmental crises. Embracing this new normal is contingent on our ability to change. This capacity for change is intricately linked to three core elements: resilience, agility, and adaptation. Collectively, these elements compose the model that defines our capacity to navigate change successfully. What’s noteworthy is that these abilities are not innate; they can be cultivated and enhanced. TRACOM’s research underscores the advantages of developing these skills, both for individuals and organizations, providing valuable insights into the benefits of resilience, agility, and adaptation in facilitating not only progress but also an affinity for change.

Resilience in the New Normal

Resilience, as a foundational element of this model, is pivotal in determining how effectively we can rebound from adversity. It equips us to endure challenges and emerge stronger, setting the stage for productive change. Additionally, agility allows us to become adept learners, quick to respond to evolving circumstances. This element promotes flexibility and adaptability in the face of change, facilitating a smoother transition to the new normal.

Learn more about TRACOM

TRACOM’s research underscores the significance of cultivating these three essential skills in both personal and professional spheres. The whitepaper explores each element in depth, utilizing existing research and scholarship to provide valuable guidance on how to harness these attributes effectively. The result is not only the ability to embrace progress but also a genuine fondness for change. In today’s dynamic and ever-changing world, individuals and organizations that prioritize the development of resilience, agility, and adaptation are better equipped to navigate the new normal and thrive in an environment defined by change. Learn more about TRACOM’s training programs today!