Video: Understanding SOCIAL STYLE Navigator

Understanding the Benefits and Features of SOCIAL STYLE Navigator

Larry Ober, Senior Training Manager at Actelion Pharmaceuticals, discusses the benefits and features of TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLE Navigator that can be used in corporate training and development.

SOCIAL STYLE Navigator is a robust micro-learning application designed to help people apply SOCIAL STYLE strategies to real-world/real-time workplace scenarios. There are two aspects to SOCIAL STYLE Navigator: SOCIAL STYLE Estimator and SOCIAL STYLE Advisor.

SOCIAL STYLE Estimator provides a brief question and answer survey to quickly estimate a person’s SOCIAL STYLE and is helpful in a variety of situations such as before meeting with a sales prospect, heading off a potential conflict, or working in a team setting.

SOCIAL STYLE Advisor includes productivity tips on dozens of topics including common managerial tasks and sales scenarios. Advisor tips reflect the unique SOCIAL STYLE preferences of both the learner/user and the person they are interacting with, for personalized Style-to-Style advice.

It also includes four elearning modules for use in the workplace and corporate training and development. These include Coaching with Style, Working in Teams with Style, Managing Conflict with Style and Achieving Higher Versatility.

About TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLE training program

The SOCIAL STYLE Model includes the Four SOCIAL STYLEs, which are the Driving Style, the Expressive Style, the Amiable Style, and the Analytical Style. TRACOM created the SOCIAL STYLE Model based on the four unique Styles, with each having different ways of using time and predictable ways of interacting and making decisions. With the SOCIAL STYLEs assessment, you can observe a person and determine their preferences or Style. You can then use that information to moderate your behavior and make that person more comfortable in your own corporate training and development situations. This is called Versatility.

Find out more about SOCIAL STYLE Navigator here and explore our SOCIAL STYLE training programs here.