Video: TRACOM Speaker Dan Day: Artificial vs. Social Intelligence

Dan Day, Director of Client Success at TRACOM, explains the four elements of Social Intelligence and why Social Intelligence skills are important in today’s ever-changing workplace.

What is it that we as humans can do to outwit the robots and make sure we don’t get fired by a robot? We can combat Artificial Intelligence and the takeover of our jobs by developing our Social Intelligence.

— Dan Day, Director of Client Success, TRACOM Group

There are four things that go into our Social Intelligence: The first one is Resiliency. Do we have the ability to adapt to change that’s thrust upon us outside of our control? Can we adapt to that? The second thing we can do is to build up our Agility. That’s us proactively causing disruption, enforcing new thinking and bringing ideas to our organizations. Our individual Agility can lead to Organizational Agility. The third thing that we can do is our Behavioral EQ. Do we understand and have empathy for others’ perceptions, their experiences and how they behave? Do we understand why they behave the way that they do? Finally, is our interpersonal relationship skills. Are we understanding of what our Style is, our behavioral preference, which has become habitual for us and it’s the way that we communicate with others. Do we understand and have self awareness? And more importantly, are we understanding of what other Styles are and can we adapt to those styles? That’s what we call Versatility.

— Dan Day, Director of Client Success, TRACOM Group