OnDemand Webinar: The Times they are a Changin’… How Leaders can Maintain and Model Culture through Change

hci logoThe Times they are a Changin’… How Leaders can Maintain and Model Culture through Change

Hosted by: Human Capital Institute

Presenters: Dr. Casey Mulqueen, Director of Learning & Development, TRACOM Group and Dr. William Klepper, Academic Director and Professor, Columbia University Business School

For the past 1 ½ years people have talked about the “new” normal, then the “next” normal. The truth is we’re beyond those catchphrases, since nothing stays normal for very long. While many things are changing rapidly, what stays more consistent is culture: an organization’s values, beliefs, and behavior. Culture sustains organizations through all times and is especially important during change. In this webinar, Bill Klepper and Casey Mulqueen will discuss the role that leaders play in developing and maintaining organizational and team culture. Incorporating a leadership example, they’ll show how leaders’ resilience and behavioral style influence teams and companies. This webinar will be interactive, gathering participants’ issues and concerns to add to the discussion, ultimately showing how leaders model culture and change.

By watching this webinar, you will:

  • Learn a strategy to develop resilience and how leaders can model resilience.
  • Learn about behavioral styles and how leaders of each style bring unique abilities during different business cycles.
  • Hear stories of resilience and style that show how leaders sustain culture during changing times.

As a follow-up to the webinar, read this whitepaper titled “What It Takes to Change to the New Normal. Dr. William Klepper dives deep into how resilience, agility, and adaptation can be learned and developed.

About Julia Brodess

Julia serves as Digital & Content Marketing Manager for TRACOM. She enjoys creation of content and keeping up with the latest trends. When she's not writing or hiking, you'll find her baking something sweet while chugging re-heated coffee.

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