Video: General Introduction to Adaptive Mindset for Resilience

General Overview of Adaptive Mindset for Resilience

When a leader at work requests to speak with us, why do we immediately think it’s going to be a bad conversation? It turns out we have a part of our brains that is programmed to focus on negative things. That part of our brains evolved to save our lives by sending us into the fight or flight response in the early days of humanity.

Although there may not be saber-toothed tigers in the modern workplace, the constant guarantee of change in the working environment can be daunting. Emotional responses to big changes in the workplace can activate that same fight or flight urge within us as a big cat. What is it that makes some people more apt to handle change well? People who excel at work are the ones who can thrive in change by responding to it in the most productive ways.

How the Adaptive Mindset for Resilience Program Can Help

The Adaptive Mindset for Resilience program teaches individuals how to have a truly adaptive mindset to change, how to work through change, and how to change yourself by responding to change in the most productive way. We start by measuring your current level of Resilience to give you an idea of your resilient strengths. We focus on how you can make those strengths stronger and use them more often, as being more resilient more often can lead towards more happiness.

How Resilience Can Make Us Happier

If you are able to view change in a positive way, you will be happier. Resilience is a learned skill and can be taught to anyone, including children. Focusing on positive psychology is the overarching goal of the Adaptive Mindset for Resilience program, as it teaches participants how to craft and follow their own solid behavioral action plan and leverage their Resilience strengths.

Overwhelming feelings of negativity in response to change are not only hard to experience, but they hurt productivity. The case for resiliency training is that it prepares employees for the constant changes and challenges in the workplace, mitigating their feelings of negativity. Learn how TRACOM Group’s Adaptive Mindset for Resilience program can help to strengthen your organization from within.