What AI Says We Should Know about AI

Combatting Negativity About the Unknown

Gallup and others have recently published studies showing that workplace stress is at an all-time high and employee engagement near an all-time low.  One of the topics currently affecting stress is the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the workforce.  So I asked ChatGPT, a tool for accessing AI, to write a five paragraph blog about the anxiety people feel about AI.  

 Here’s what ChatGPT had to say: 

Anxiety surrounding AI is a common sentiment among many individuals today. As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, people are understandably concerned about its potential impact on various aspects of their lives. The fear of job displacement, loss of privacy, and the ethical implications of AI are some of the key factors contributing to this anxiety. 

One of the primary sources of anxiety is the fear of job displacement. With the increasing automation of tasks and the rise of AI-powered systems, many individuals worry that their jobs may become obsolete. This fear is not unfounded, as certain industries have already witnessed significant changes due to AI integration. However, it is important to note that AI also has the potential to create new job opportunities and enhance productivity in various sectors.

Another aspect that contributes to anxiety is the concern over privacy. As AI systems collect and analyze vast amounts of data, there is a legitimate fear that personal information may be misused or exploited. The potential for surveillance and the unauthorized use of data raise valid concerns about privacy infringement. It is crucial for AI developers and policymakers to prioritize data protection and establish robust regulations to address these concerns.

Ethical considerations surrounding AI also contribute to anxiety. The ability of AI systems to make autonomous decisions raises questions about accountability and fairness. Concerns about biased algorithms, lack of transparency, and potential misuse of AI technology are valid and require careful attention. It is essential for AI developers and researchers to prioritize ethical frameworks and ensure that AI systems are designed with human values and societal well-being in mind.

While anxiety about AI is understandable, it is important to approach the topic with a balanced perspective. AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, improve efficiency, and enhance our daily lives. By addressing the concerns surrounding job displacement, privacy, and ethics, we can work towards a future where AI is harnessed responsibly and for the benefit of humanity. Open dialogue, collaboration, and proactive measures are key to alleviating anxiety and ensuring that AI technology is developed and deployed in a manner that aligns with our values and aspirations. 

Pretty good blog right?  The writing is clear and the key points understandable. Most people probably wouldn’t be able to tell that this was AI generated.  But is that a good thing or bad thing?  Some fear AI because it’s “going to take over” or “we’re going to lose our jobs to robots.” As someone who writes blogs, I can understand this fear.   

What is really manifesting here is not a fear of AI, but a fear of the unknown.  More specifically, it’s our own Negativity Bias kicking in because of the unknown.  Our brain interprets that ambiguity as a threat and we stress out.  It’s completely natural and it’s the result of thousands of years of cognitive development.  

Fortunately, people can learn techniques to head off or reverse the Negativity Bias.  TRACOM’s Adaptive Mindset for Resilience assessment identifies how the Negativity Bias affects each learner and they learn specific ways to counteract it.  People with these skills don’t let change or ambiguity dominate their thinking.  They recognize the situation and move forward productively.   

So whether you’re worried about the impact of AI, a pending corporate merger or the quarterly financial numbers, you can benefit from resilience training