TRACOM Recognized as 2019 Top 20 Assessment and Evaluation Company

We are thrilled to announce TRACOM has been selected as a 2019 Top 20 Assessment and Evaluation Company by Training Industry. Thank you to Training Industry and all the organizations and individuals in the corporate learning and development marketplace who have benefitted from our Social Intelligence training. Your support is greatly appreciated!

The Top 20 selection was based on the following criteria:

  • Diversity of assessment capabilities
  • Quality and innovation of evaluation techniques
  • Company size and growth potential
  • Quality and number of clients/users
  • Awards, recognition and competitive differentiation

View the Top 20 companies here.

About Julia Brodess

Julia serves as Digital & Content Marketing Manager for TRACOM. She enjoys creation of content and keeping up with the latest trends. When she's not writing or hiking, you'll find her baking something sweet while chugging re-heated coffee.

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