The Soft Skills Gap: How Companies Can Overcome Challenges with Recent Grad Hires

A recent study by found that one in six companies hesitate to hire recent graduates due to gaps in key soft skills, including communication, adaptability, and problem-solving. While academic institutions often focus on technical proficiency, many hiring organizations find that graduates lack the essential soft skills required to thrive in professional environments. Employers report that graduates often struggle with poor communication skills, difficulty adapting to dynamic workplaces, challenges in receiving and acting on feedback, and insufficient problem-solving abilities. 

Communication Challenges 

While 94% of companies report hiring recent graduates, 39% cited poor communication skills as a significant issue. Many graduates struggle to effectively articulate their ideas and engage in meaningful dialogue within professional environments. 

TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLE® programs address these issues by helping employees understand different communication styles—Analytical, Driving, Amiable, and Expressive—and adjust their approach accordingly. This enhances individual communication and improves team dynamics. 

Adaptability and Resilience 

53% of employers who were neutral or hesitant about hiring recent college graduates said they value adaptability. The modern workplace demands flexibility, yet many graduates are unprepared for the rapid changes required in professional settings and are often seen as unprofessional.  

TRACOM’s Resilience training helps employees adapt to changes, manage stress, and maintain focus during transitions. This is especially important in industries where technologies and strategies constantly shift. 

Problem Solving and Agility 

About 34% of employers expressed concerns about new hires’ problem-solving skills. While graduates may excel academically, they often struggle to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations that require creative thinking and quick decision-making. 

TRACOM’s Personal Agility training encourages a flexible mindset and problem-solving approach. It teaches employees to adapt to new situations and experiment with different techniques, making them more resourceful when faced with ambiguity or complex challenges. 

Emotional Intelligence and Feedback 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is another area where new graduates often fall short. Many struggle to receive feedback constructively, which can hinder their professional growth. Employers note that new hires sometimes react defensively or fail to incorporate feedback effectively. 

TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ training helps individuals develop self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy. High EQ allows graduates to handle feedback as a learning opportunity, improving workplace relationships and fostering continuous growth. 

While employers are hesitant to hire recent college graduates due to a perceived lack of soft skills, they are more likely to do so if candidates show initiative, a positive attitude, strong work ethic, adaptability, openness to feedback, and reliability. TRACOM’s Social Intelligence programs can address these areas by focusing on the development of communication, adaptability, and problem-solving. 

About Julia Brodess

Julia serves as Digital & Content Marketing Manager for TRACOM. She enjoys creation of content and keeping up with the latest trends. When she's not writing or hiking, you'll find her baking something sweet while chugging re-heated coffee.

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