The Social Intelligence Trifecta: Behavioral Style, Emotional Intelligence and Mindset

There are three highly interdependent elements of Social Intelligence: Behavioral Style, Emotional Intelligence and Mindset. Collectively they make us tick as social individuals. And the best news is that Social Intelligence training helps achieve dramatic improvements in performance.

Behavioral Style

Early in life, people develop behavioral preferences which we find comfortable. Partly the result of genetics and partly early learning, our behavioral style is readily observable to others. Sometimes our behaviors are viewed as positive and sometimes negative.  Research has identified four unique behavioral styles. TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLE Model® teaches specific techniques for creating productive relationships with people of any Style. SOCIAL STYLE is available in two dozen languages, with programs targeted to managers, sales professionals and individual contributors.  It is the easiest interpersonal skills model to learn and apply.  SOCIAL STYLE has been used by tens of thousands of organizations and millions of people.

Learn more: SOCIAL STYLE.

Emotional Intelligence

Our brain is complex, and our emotions often subconsciously control our behavior.  Too often our rational brain is overruled by our emotional brain.  Our behavior and performance suffer as a result.   TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ® Model offers a way to understand our emotions and those of others.  That allows us to control our emotions, better influence others and achieve greater success. As a 3rd generation EQ model, Behavioral EQ provides practical and actionable strategies for enhancing leadership,  effective sales relationships and cross-cultural operations.

Learn more: Behavioral EQ.


An adaptive mindset is a hallmark of the world’s most successful people. Mindset addresses how we deal with today’s fast-changing world.  Do we simply react to it or do we shape the changes that occur?  TRACOM offers two ground-breaking mindset models and training programs.  TRACOM’s Adaptive Mindset for Resiliency Model® is based on the latest in neuroscience.  It teaches how our brain’s genetic negative predisposition to change limits performance and increases stress.  Participants learn to productively deal with negativity and uncertainty.  Resiliency skills are commonly used to support wellness programs, change management efforts and employee engagement.

Learn more: Adaptive Mindset for Resiliency.

Need to proactively create positive change and accelerate innovation?  TRACOM’s Adaptive Mindset for Agility Model® teaches specific strategies to achieve innovative performance and shape the future. These “design thinking” approaches to ideate, brainstorm and drive innovative new products and processes within an organization lead to the creation of new opportunities and the mitigation of risk.  These skills are especially critical for successful leaders, insightful selling and building a culture of growth.

Learn more: Adaptive Mindset for Agility.