Why So Many Language Options for SOCIAL STYLE?

TRACOM has found that allowing participants to learn in their native language makes training more effective.  As a result TRACOM currently offers up to 20 different language options for the SOCIAL STYLE Profile.

Global language support is available for both the initial Profile Questionnaire and the completed SOCIAL STYLE Profile Report.   Available languages include common languages such as German, French and Spanish as well as less-frequently occurring ones such as Bulgarian, Korean and Turkish.

Participants and their raters can choose any available language.  And each person can choose whichever language they prefer, independent of the language chosen by others.  So a training participant might conduct their own profile in Spanish and have others rate her in Japanese, Greek and Chinese.  The SOCIAL STYLE Profile she receives in this case would be in Spanish as that is her language choice.

In addition to offering so many language options, TRACOM offers more than 80 country and regional norms.  So a person working in Italy can be profiled against others in that country, while an Italian working in New York, can be profiled against a North American norm.  Country-specific and regional norms provide the most accurate look at a person’s SOCIAL STYLE and behavioral preferences.

The availability of so many languages makes it easier on everyone involved and increases the reliability of the data because the questions are better understood and thus the responses more accurate. This approach best addresses both the cultural variances of international business and the individual behavioral preferences that are the foundation of the SOCIAL STYLE Model.

And let us know about your experiences in conducting business internationally.  Have language and culture affected your work?

Learn more about our global capabilities here.