Equipping College Students with the Skills They Really Need

According to the article; “It Isn’t What You Know at Work. It’s How You ‘Behave”, featured on the Wall Street Journal, “Business schools don’t—but should—teach their students to become ‘behaviorally fit.”

While intelligence is a highly valued skill, particularly in upper level career fields, it certainly isn’t the sole driver in obtaining optimal success. According to the featured article, “Employers are placing increasingly higher value not on what new hires know–and not even on what they are capable of doing–but on what they can actually get done.”

We live in a world that has become so fast paced that it’s not always easy to keep up. This can lead to high stress levels which can highly affect the way we work. While the initial effects of stress might first occur only internally, these inner responses to stress lead to outward reactions and behaviors – behaviors like lashing out, worker absenteeism and presenteeism, low productivity, and low morale.

According to Lee Newman, who is the dean of social and behavioral sciences at IE University and dean of innovation and behavior at IE Business School in Madrid, “…there is no better place to start [behavioral skills] training, than in the safe and supportive developmental environment of business school.”

The SOCIAL STYLE behavioral model has long been used in both undergraduate and graduate business education.  Several research studies directly relate SOCIAL STYLE to key managerial skills such as leading teams, managing others and achieving employee commitment.

If you are an academic institution interested in training, learn how you can receive significant discounts on programs and products.

To learn more about the benefits of SOCIAL STYLE click here.