A Good Employee Versus a Bad One: How to spot the difference

Companies face challenges everyday in gauging employee effectiveness, particularly in the context of new hybrid and remote-working models prompted by the pandemic. According to McKinsey research, data indicates that employee disengagement and attrition could cost a median-size S&P 500 company between $228 million and $355 million annually, emphasizing the need for a more segmented approach to address varying employee experiences. In “Some employees are destroying value. Others are building it. Do you know the difference?,” Aaron De Smet, Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi, Angelika Reich, and Bill Schaninger discuss research identifying six distinct employee groups, ranging from highly dissatisfied and disengaged to thriving stars.

Six Distinct Employee Groups

  1. The quitters: This group is estimated to be around 10% of the workforce in a typical organization. Though they may not be the worst performers, they are likely the least engaged and satisfied, thus leading to them to quit early on.
  2. The disruptors: This actively disengaged group accounts for an estimated 11% of the workforce and they have the largest negative influence. This influence isn’t just directly due to their behavior, but due to how they are treated by their organization and the perception of their peers.
  3. The mildly disengaged: This group reports to have lower than average performance and commitment levels. They put in their effort for the job’s bare minimum, but they won’t do anymore than that. Managers and leaders alike shouldn’t expect them to choose their job over their personal lives. This group is estimated to be 32% of the workforce and they are disruptive in ways that harms their organization.
  4. The double dippers: This group is a growing group that currently only accounts for about 5% of the workforce. They are full-time salaried workers who have two or more jobs, likely without their employers’ knowledge. This is especially common in those that have a remote position.
  5. The reliable and committed: The biggest group in the workforce, accounting for about 38%, is on the positive side of the satisfaction scale. These employees are satisfied and committed and will go above and beyond for their employer – volunteering for extra work.
  6. The thriving stars: These are the rare employees who bring the utmost value to the company. They create a good work-life balance for themselves because of their adaptability and resilience. These individuals create a positive impact on their peers by not only creating psychological safety, but also they create trust in a team setting.Unfortunately, McKinsey says this group only accounts for 4% of workers.

TRACOM Helps Create Thriving Stars

TRACOM can help those in your organization grow to be a thriving star with Adaptive Mindset through Resilience training. These programs are based on decades of research in clinical psychology and teach strategies to become adaptable to change and more resilient in the workplace.

“TRACOM’s Resilience training proactively gives people the tools they need so they can recover more quickly from the stressors in the workplace. And then going forward, they can help prevent feeling the stress and the negative response that used to follow, says Casey Mulqueen, PhD, Senior Director of Learning and Development at TRACOM Group

Through training people feel a sense of empowerment, maintaining a sense of control over events. Instead of employees feeling paralyzed, they regain control over their mindset and it allows them to create more positive action in themselves and in their organization.

Watch Organizational Resilience 2024 Outlook: Creating a Performance Culture in a World of Change.

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