Earlier this week we posted a blog demonstrating the top 5 interpersonal skills. This week’s infographic looks at the industries ranked lowest in Versatility.
Versatility is about relationship skills, and ultimately, it has been proven to be the best predictor of success. While being in the worst performing industries category isn’t a good thing, there are many opportunities for these industries ranked lowest in Versatility.
A primary lesson from Style and Versatility is that enhancing interpersonal effectiveness never stops; there is always more to develop. Versatility can change over time and fluctuate across people and circumstances. These bottom five industries are characterized by jobs which involve minimal interactions with customers or jobs that might be more concerned with safety protocols than relational issues. But at the end of the day, we should always strive for improvement, and that is what Versatility is all about!
Understanding the concepts of SOCIAL STYLE and enhancing Versatility is especially important because it can lead to improvements in leadership performance, coaching skills, increased sales, building relationships, an ehanced ability when working in teams and improved communications. According to TRACOM research, managers with higher Versatility are 27% better at leading teams, 25% better at coaching others and 19% more likely to be promoted. Learn more.
TRACOM compares SOCIAL STYLE and Versatility data on 33 industries and has created infographics for 22 of the industries. These infographics look at the interpersonal skills in various industries and illustrate the percentages of the various SOCIAL STYLEs as well as the relative Versatility of each industry compared to one another. View the 22 industry infographics here.