While the concept of emotional intelligence has been around for decades, TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ Model represents the most practically important aspects of EQ and how they relate to modern workplace challenges.
The Behavioral EQ Model was developed after a thorough review of previous EQ research and represents a 3rd Generation (3G) approach to emotional intelligence. It’s a proven way to extend and enhance the business impact of other interpersonal/soft skills initiatives such as SOCIAL STYLE, MBTI or DiSC®. This whitepaper discusses the connections between the DiSC® assessment tool and the Behavioral EQ program.
There are several ways in which the Behavioral EQ program enhances interpersonal effectiveness beyond what is provided by DiSC. One of the ways outlined in this whitepaper is that the Behavioral EQ assessment is a multi-rater. This means learners not only complete the assessment about themselves, but they nominate other raters to complete the assessment about them as well. Throughout the report, learners receive a side-by-side comparison of how their self-ratings compare to others’ ratings of them. It’s very common for learners to see a discrepancy between self-ratings and others’ ratings, and this kind of information can be enormously illuminating. Essentially, DiSC provides learners with self-awareness of their behavioral preferences. Behavioral EQ provides learners with a reality check by showing them what co-workers perceive. The combination of the two tools is powerful.
There are many other ways that Behavioral EQ can enhance a DiSC program which can be found in this whitepaper, but in sum, TRACOM’s Behavioral EQ program extends upon DiSC to strengthen employees’ self-management and interpersonal effectiveness. By offering a multi-rater instrument and delving internally into people’s mindset and emotions, the Behavioral EQ course can profoundly influence how employees communicate and relate to one another. And in today’s volatile business climate, employees’ ability to forge strong work relationships may be critical to organizations’ stability and prosperity.
To view the Behavioral EQ and DiSC® Whitepaper click here
To learn more about the Behavioral EQ Model click here.