TRACOM offers a robust schedule of live, virtual classes across our SOCIAL STYLE, Adaptive Mindset for Resilience, Agility and Behavioral EQ programs. All the programs are web-based and last three hours. They include the multi-rater assessments and profile reports, giving insights on how others see you. Choose from the following:
Introduction to SOCIAL STYLE is a 3-hour virtual instructor-led session. It includes a digital participant workbook and an online multi-rater assessment measuring a person’s SOCIAL STYLE® & Versatility with feedback from others. The program provides a solid understanding of behavioral differences and teaches strategies to apply SOCIAL STYLE and Versatility knowledge.
Building Adaptability is a 3-hour virtual instructor-led session. It includes a digital participant workbook and an online multi-rater assessment, which provides feedback on the learner’s primary negativity bias and resilience skills. The program provides strategies for combatting negativity bias patterns and leveraging resilience skills to be more effective and adaptable.
Developing Behavioral EQ is a 3-hour virtual instructor-led session. It includes a digital participant workbook and an online multi-rater assessment measuring a person’s strengths and development opportunities in areas of emotional intelligence. The program focuses on putting EQ skills to work through a personalized action plan to become more effective.
Unlocking Personal Agility is a 3-hour virtual instructor-led session. It includes a digital participant workbook and an online multi-rater assessment measuring a person’s strengths and development opportunities in areas of personal and organizational agility. The program focuses on the cognitive biases that hold us back and includes specific strategies to overcome them.