Understanding Emotions Reduces Their Negative Impact

Emotion Awareness, one of the core elements of the Behavioral EQ Model, refers to how aware you are of your emotions and their impact on your behavior. This includes understanding what caused the emotions and the ability to link emotions to your behavior. Those who are high in this skill are open and candid with others and comfortable expressing feelings. They recognize triggers that cause their emotions and take responsibility over their emotional reactions in different circumstances.

But sometimes it is hard for us to immediately determine what our emotions mean, and why we are feeling the way that we do. This can result in inactivity or inefficiency at work. Whether you become visibly frustrated in a work meeting or disengaged from a project, having an understanding of our emotions helps us to understand what is the cause of our feelings so we can eradicate them and continue on with our work.

One of the best ways to enhance self-insight and heighten emotion awareness is through utilizing a confidante – someone who is close enough to the situation to help us work through why we are feeling the way that we do, but far enough away to not be emotionally involved in the situation. But having friends at work is not always the norm.

While we all know that creating an organization with a supportive company culture has a positive impact on the wellness of your employees, many organizations don’t operate that way in reality. Organizations can benefit by helping employees develop support options that might include peer networking groups or mentor programs that build culture and engagement.

A Columbia University study shows that the likelihood of job turnover at a company with good overall company culture is 13.9% compared to job turnover in poor company cultures is 48.4%. The Department of Economics at the University of Warwick found that happy workers are 12% more productive than the average worker, and unhappy workers are 10% less productive. Training in Behavioral EQ allows your employees to prosper through cooperative and supportive relationships. Behavioral EQ helps people to understand their own emotions and behaviors, as well as the behaviors and emotions of others. This helps your workforce to build positive relationships with one another, provides social support, and encourages collaboration and innovation. Enhancing Behavioral EQ is a critical step to creating a positive work-culture.

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